

ご報告がすっかり遅くなってしまいましたが、11月9日(土)に楢葉いやしの森を緊急訪問しましたので、その時の様子を お知らせいたします。近所の方より「坂本さんにどうかしら」と冬物の衣類をいただく機会があり、11月 8日(金)の朝に予定を確認するため…


Recently, we have been informed that there are several cases of solicitation to our supporters by someone who arrogate Mr. Sakamoto or 'Naraha Iyashi no Mori'. Please note that Mr. Sakamoto and `Naraha Iyashi no Mori' do not have any relat…

October 2013 Monthly Report

Thank you so much for your generous support in October. We deeply appreciate your heart warming contribution to help Mr. Sakamoto and his animals.After powerful Typhoon Francisco passed, Joy was injured his paw and Mr. Sakamoto also injure…