Support from Rescue Japan in May

We are deeply sorry for our delay to report about the support by "Rescue Japan", a volunteer organization established for Tohoku victims. Unexpectedly, we received many dog foods from them and three of our staffs delivered those foos to Iyashi-no-mori on May 4th . We really thank them for their wonderful and generous gift.

The following is the story told by our staff Mrs.Hikawa.

In March this year, I went to Yunuki Temporary Dwelling in Soma city to deliver handmade socks and to hold a workshop of handicrafts, which was the different activity of [Naraha Iyashi-no-Mori: Sakamoto san Oentai]

At that time, I met Mr.Iizuka who has been working for victims in Fukushima just after the disaster. Although it was the very first time to see him, I told about the situation of Mr. Sakamoto because he’s lived in Fukushima as same as people in Soma city.
Then Mr. Iizuka sympathized with our activity and introduced me “Rescue Japan”.

On April 20th, I and my husband went to a warehouse at Kachidoki in Tokyo and saw a gentleman with lovely young Japanese lady. He's the representative of “Rescue Japan” which was established by himself only 3 days after the earthquake. We received massive (100kg!) dog foods there.
According to him, the warehouse was full of relief supplies as soon as he called for support just after the disaster.
We were deeply moved and grateful that the person from other country worked so hard for Japanese people.

He’s very nice and friendly and spoke only English much the same as my husband and I spoke only Japanese. We understood what he said because the young lady translated, but only we could do was just smiling and nodding to him. We promised to him, “Next time we bring members who can speak English fluently!”

Actually, we have a few staffs who can speak English, but someday we would like to see him again and tell our gratitude directly.

This time relationships between many people made a good support to Mr. Sakamoto’s dogs. In addition, we believe this story encourages Mr. Sakamoto, and hope him to feel he is not alone deep in the forest.

Thanks again “Rescue Japan” and all the parties concerned to the support.

Rescue Japan introduced Mr.Sakamoto's situation here. (written in Japanese)