August 2013 Monthly Report

[English]August 2013 Monthly Report
Thank you very much for your generous support to us. We appreciate your continued patronage.

Category Item Requirement Support
Food Dogs 91kg 76kg
Cats 21kg 24kg
Birds 890kg 361kg
Pasture Grass 10kg 10kg
Others Water 132bottles 144bottles
Dog Poles 10 4
Leash 14 9
Pest control goods 12 9

This month started with a shocking news : Mr.Sakamoto was injured.
His lip was pierced by his teeth when he fallen down with a heavy shopping trolley. People said to call an ambulance, but he refused and went home for his animals. He had been bleeding for a couple of days.
Now he is fine, but it reminds us the life of animals rely on his health.

There was another surprise. We discovered that we had misunderstood the name of a Mr. Sakamoto’s goat so far. For us, it was quite embarrassing as we got a wrong idea such a long time. We leaned his name is ‘GON’, not ‘Don’!

In August we have got not only a lot of support through Amazon wish list, but also are contacted for many direct offer such as food, dog poles, leashes, collars, pasture grass, livingware and so on. Thank you for all. And we have many more occasions to be approached by Twitter. We are touched to build heartfelt connections with our followers.
Thanks to the resume of Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.'s collection and delivery service in Naraha area, we have now two ways (Yamato transport or the Japan post) to send parcels to Mr. Sakamoto. It would help him not to carry heavy stuff by himself all the time.

Naraha Iyashi-no-mori on Twitter is:@naraha184

*The number of animals cared by Mr. Sakamoto at the end of August:Dogs 21, Cats 15, Birds 550, Guinea pigs20, Rabbits 21, Goats 2

Amazon Wish List updated for Septembre

  • Foods
    Taking account of the amount of stocks, foods for birds, dogs and cats are listed. The bird foods is also placed on the list of ‘direct courier to Iyashi-no-mori.
  • Dog poles and leashes
    We wish to replace the damaged poles and leashes with the stronger ones. We thank you for 15 poles and 16 leashes, which have been already donated by August. (Please see the wish list for the current remaining numbers.)
  • Household pest control items
    The number of flies and mosquitos are decreasing as it gets cooler, but the rat control items are still highly needed.